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In English

Turkey halts its military operation against the Syrian Democratic Forces in eastern Syria

Informed Turkish diplomatic sources revealed that Turkey has halted the expected military operation against the Syrian Democratic Forces in eastern Syria.

Al-Araby Al-Jadid website quoted a Turkish source as saying that “the Turkish army is ready to implement and develop plans for any military action in the future, according to field requirements. But there is currently no possibility of direct military action.”

The source stressed that Turkey continues dialogue with both Russia and the United States, and no consensus has yet been achieved in this framework, in light of Turkey’s unwillingness to implement any unilateral military action, due to its negative repercussions on Ankara’s relations with Washington, Moscow and the West.

The sources pointed out that there are “indications by Ankara that Washington is pressuring the Syrian Democratic Forces to expel the PKK-linked elements from its areas in the manner requested by Turkey, in implementation of bilateral agreements, while allowing Turkey to carry out targeting operations by drones of the Kurdish-linked Syrian Democratic Forces.” .

It should be noted that the Turkish army and the Syrian National Army sent massive reinforcements to the areas adjacent to the areas controlled by the Syrian Democratic Forces, with the aim of launching a military attack.

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