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In English

3 Deaths and 119 COVID-19 cases were recorded in northwest Syria

Yesterday, northwestern Syria recorded more than 115 new cases of Covid-19, bringing the total number of infections to 90,847 since the virus began spreading.

According to the report issued by the Epidemiological Surveillance Laboratory of the Early Warning Network, 119 coronavirus cases were recorded on the fourteenth of this month, after 686 new analyses were conducted, while the number of people recovered reached 662, bringing the number to 57,012 cases of recovery.

The infections were distributed among the cities and towns of Idlib governorate, so that the governorate recorded 87 infections, 44 cases in the Harem region, while the cities and towns of the northern and eastern Aleppo countryside recorded 32 infections, 13 of them in the Afrin region.

While the past hours recorded 3 deaths related to Coronavirus, bringing the number of deaths to 1,986 cases since the virus began spreading in northwest Syria, according to the epidemiological surveillance laboratory.

The northwestern region of Syria has been witnessing a gradual decrease in the number of infections for days, after two consecutive months of the accelerated spread of the virus and its major deficit in the health sector.

It is noteworthy that the total number of analyzes that have been carried out by the epidemiological surveillance laboratory in northwestern Syria has reached 309,230 since the pandemic outbreak in the middle of last year.

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