Israeli newspaper: The situation in Syria will change and turn against Iran
The Israeli newspaper, “The Jerusalem Post,” stated in a report that the situation in Syria will change and may turn against Iran and its presence in the region.
According to the Israeli newspaper, Arab normalization with the Assad regime and the recent visit of the UAE Foreign Minister to Syria may cause a change in Israel’s strategy to confront Iran in the region.
The newspaper added that Israel is pursuing a “campaign between the wars” policy to prevent Iranian entrenchment in Syria, and indicated that this may change after Iran launched a strike on the American base of Al-Tanf.
The report indicated that there is a possibility that Qatar and Turkey will interfere with the rest of the Arab Gulf states, with the aim of removing Iran from Syria, noting that Israel may help the Assad regime get rid of the Iranian militias by extending its control over the areas of control of those militias.
The Israeli newspaper indicated that the exclusion of the leader of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, Jawad Ghafari; Because it would have caused a war in Syria, following the attack on the Al-Tanf military base last month.