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In English

A missile attack targets US base in Al-Hasakah governorate

The Assad regime’s SANA news agency reported Tuesday that a U.S. military base in northeastern Syria was struck by rockets, and no group has claimed responsibility for the attack

SANA news agency said the “Kharab Jez” airport, which houses US coalition forces, in the countryside of “Al-Yarabiya” town  in Al-Hasakah governorate was hit by rockets.

SANA agency reported that The area around the U.S. base witnessed a state of alert and heavy flight of U.S. warplanes and helicopters in the area after the attack.

For its part, the U.S. side did not comment on the attack, and did not mention any details about it regarding the casualties or material losses.

In the past period, there have been several rocket attacks targeting bases where U.S. forces are stationed in northeastern Syria, most recently targeting the Al-Omar oil and Koniko gas fields east of Deir ez-Zor, and The Kharab Jez airport in Al-Hasakah countryside, by unknown groups.

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