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Idlib Health Directorate: The low percentage of vaccinated people against COVID-19 does not achieve immunity to confront the pandemic

Idlib Health Directorate in Idlib Governorate published a statement on its official page, in which it said: “The percentage of people who have received a dose of a Covid-19 vaccine reached 5.11% of the total population in northwestern Syria.”

The directorate called on people, especially the targeted groups by the vaccine, to “review the vaccination centers to receive their vaccines, stressing that the percentage is very low, and does not achieve the community immunity required to confront the pandemic.”

The Idlib Health Directorate confirmed, “The vaccine is the only means to besiege the epidemic, and prevent it from reaching a new peak like the one we passed through, leaving tens of thousands of infections and claiming thousands of lives,” adding that “the vaccine is everyone’s responsibility.”

The directorate attached a statistical infographic, which indicated that the full number of vaccinated people, until Saturday, 204,584 people, including 98,076 people, had taken two doses of the vaccine.

The Civil Defense reiterated the importance of taking the anti-Coronavirus vaccine, and following prevention guidelines, such as social distancing, wearing a mask, and sterilizing hands.

This comes, after the World Health Organization warned a few days ago, of the likely wide spread of the new strain of COVID-19, “Omicron,” adding that “serious consequences” may occur in some areas.

The medical sectors throughout the Syrian regions are witnessing a weakness in material capabilities and a lack of medical equipment and supplies, in light of continuous widespread of the epidemic.

Source: agencies

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