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In English

Activists launch a campaign entitled “We will return without al-Assad”

Syrian activists, on social media, launched a media campaign called “We will return without Assad,” during the fifth anniversary for displacement of people from Aleppo’s eastern neighborhoods.

Activists interacted during the campaign with leaflets talked about the suffering of civilians from displacement and the bombing of the Assad regime forces on the villages and cities in which they live, stressing the need for return, freedom and salvation from the Assad regime.

The activists indicated in their leaflets, saying: “We did not accept humiliation and humiliation, and we did not accept to be under the rule of the Assad regime and its allies, and it was a very high cost to exile us from our land.

During the month of December 2016, the eastern neighborhoods of Aleppo were subjected to the fiercest barbaric and brutal bombing campaign by the Assad regime and its allies, which claimed hundreds of victims and wounded civilians, forcing millions to leave the area.

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