504 new Covid-19 cases were recorded in northwestern Syria
The World Health Organization said that Covid-19 infection rate has increased by 329% in Syria during February, compared to January.
It has revealed that 2170% of the infections were recorded in the liberated areas in northern Syria, 164% in Assad regime-controlled areas, and 216% in the areas controlled by the Syrian Democratic Forces.
The “Epidemiological Surveillance Laboratory” of the Early Warning and Epidemic Response Network (EWARN) program in the Support Coordination Unit recorded 504 new Covid-19 cases in the liberated areas of northern Syria, while coronavirus death toll is increasing in the Assad regime-controlled areas.
While the health laboratory in northern Syria did not record new deaths, keeping the total number at 2395, while the total number of infections in northern Syria rose to 98,999 thousand.
The Syria Response Coordination Group had warned civilians in northern Syria, after an increasing number of Covid-19 cases due to the neglecting the necessary preventive measures to prevent the spread of Corona virus, and the weakness of humanitarian response operations in the region.