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In English

Turkish Opposition: If I become president, I will sit with Bashar al-Assad and establish a new relationship with him

The head of  “The Homeland Party” and former candidate for the Turkish presidency, Muharrem Ince, said in his speech: “If I succeed in the elections and become president, I will establish a new relationship with Bashar and sit at the table with him, and appoint an ambassador for Damascus to return back the Syrian refugees.”

This came during the inauguration of his party’s provincial presidency building in the Turkish city of Trabzon. He explained when we encounter a problem with a neighboring country we have to help those who turn to us, but Turkey is a big state rather than a charitable organization. He noted that the visit of Syrian refugees has prolonged so much.       

He confirmed that ”his party will participate in the presidential elections alone under a clear motto”, pointing out “there is a 20-year-old government that is tired and exhausted and can’t find a solution.”

Ince had announced the establishment of a new party under the name “The Homeland Party”, after he withdrew in late 2020, from the “Republican People’s Party”, the most prominent and largest opposition party in Turkey, headed by Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu.

Ince had previously run for the presidential elections in 2018 for the opposition Republican People’s Party, but lost the competition in favor of  the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the candidate for the Justice and Development Party.

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