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The British government renews the sanctions imposed on nine personalities and two security companies in Syria

The British government announced in a statement yesterday imposing sanctions on nine personalities and two security companies in Syria for supporting the Assad regime and recruiting “mercenaries” to fight with the Russians against Ukraine.

The British Foreign Secretary, Liz Truss, made it clear that the sanctions targeted two groups of the Syrian individuals. One group is responsible for recruiting Syrians to fight in Russia’s war in Ukraine, while the other is supporting the repressive Assad regime. They are the same individuals that the European sanctions targeted them a few days ago.

The sanctions included “al-Sayad” and “Sanad” private security companies, in addition to the executive director of al-Sayad Company, Fawaz Mikhail Gerges, and the director of Sanad company, Ahmad Khalil Khalil and his partner, Nasser Deeb, according to the statement.

The statement stressed that the new sanctions included Russian officials in Luhansk and Donetsk regions in Ukraine’s Donbas province, where Russia launched a military offensive since last February.

The statement confirmed, “We will not keep quiet and watch Kremlin-appointed state actors suppress the people of Ukraine.”

The statement added, “We will continue to impose harsh sanctions on those who are trying to legitimize Putin’s illegal invasion until Ukraine prevails.”

The European Union announced on July 21 adding ten Syrian personalities, most of them affiliated with the Assad regime forces on the blacklist of European sanctions, in addition to two private companies for recruiting mercenaries from Syria in Ukraine.

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