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In English

“Syria’s Response Coordination Group” denounces normalizing relations with the Assad regime

The “Syria’s Response Coordinators” warned of an increase to normalize relations of the international community with the Assad regime, pointing out that there are several meeting between the two sides.

The Group confirmed that there are meetings between international officials and leaders of the Assad regime under the pretext of implementing the effects of Resolution 2642/2022.

The Group added that the international community is ignoring what is happening in Syria, where more than 1.5 million Syrians are displaced in camps and random settlement sites in the north of the country, causing an increase in the economic and social crises that civilians are going through in the region.

The Group continued that the needs of more than 4.3 million civilians in northern Syria are not limited to relief projects, but to an actual solution for their safe return and their suffering.

The Group considered that the international community has forgotten the crimes committed by the Assad regime and Russia against civilians in Syria for more than ten years, and increasing the relations with the Assad regime will negatively affect the parties trying to give full legitimacy to the Assad regime.

Many international organizations and some countries continue to normalize their relations with the Assad regime, which increases its legitimacy and covers up the crimes committed against Syrians.

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