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In English

The Syrian Opposition Coalition rejects any international rapprochement with the Assad regime

The Syrian Opposition Coalition issued a statement yesterday confirming its rejection of the head of the EU delegation’s visit to the Assad regime-controlled areas.

The Coalition warned in its statement of any acceptance or rapprochement with the Assad regime that contradicts the political solution, makes it useless, and deepens the suffering of the Syrian people who totally reject this regime.  

The statement confirmed that Assad regime’s policy is one, and it has not changed. The killing and terrorism approach is rooted in its structure and can’t be separated from it over time. Any international decision will prolong the life of the Assad regime and will inevitably worsen the tragedy.

The statement stressed the necessity of maintaining the international isolation of the Assad regime, which is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of civilians and the displacement of millions.

The statement pointed out that supporting the Syrians is an international and moral responsibility that can’t be shirked. It is also a legal responsibility represented in the commitment to the Security Council Resolution 2254, which the Syrian people hope to achieve a political transition through it.

It is noteworthy that the Chargé d’Affairs of the European Union mission began a visit to cities under the control of the Assad regime last Monday, in partnership with the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs “OCHA”.

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