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In English

Russian official warns of the danger of turning Syria into an arena of Israeli-Iranian confrontation

The head of the Russian General Staff’s Main Intelligence Directorate, Igor Kostyukov, warned yesterday of the possible transformation of Syria into an arena of the Israeli-Iranian confrontation which is alarming.

The Russian news agency “RIA Novosti” quoted Kostyukov’s warning at the Moscow Conference on International Security yesterday in which he considered that the increasing factors of instability in the Middle East and North Africa are due to the destructive activities of the US and its allies.

The former head of the Israel’s National Security Council, Jacob Nagel, said last June “Israel won’t let Syria turning into a battlefield for other countries.”

Jacob made it clear that “the financial gains and Syrian recovery will not be achieved as long as Iran is present in Syria,” according to the Hebrew newspaper “Yedioth Ahronoth”.

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