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In English

In light of the suffocating siege, al-Rukban camp’s bakery has been completely suspended

Al-Rukban camp’s only bakery on the Syrian-Jordanian border has been completely stopped yesterday due to the shortage of flour access to the bakery and the suffocating siege imposed on the camp.

The head of al-Rukban local council, Mohammed Ahmed al-Darbas, told Fresh Online: “The reason behind suspending the bakery is the shortage of flour which Assad regime forces have prevented it from entering through the road leading to the camp.”

Darbas made it clear that the flour enters into the camp through Damascus-Baghdad across Assad regime’ checkpoints which is the only way left because of the siege imposed on the camp by all parties.

He called on all concerned parties to work on opening a safe road to northern Syria to save the camp’s inhabitants from the desert and from the siege imposed by the Assad regime. He considered it the only solution, as the Assad regime does not allow any humanitarian and food aid access without its approval.

It is noteworthy that it is not the first time the bakery suspended due to the shortage of flour or the diesel fuel that operates the bakery in order to pressure the residents to displace towards Assad regime-controlled areas to recruit the youths.  

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