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In English
أخر الأخبار

Saudi King: We affirm the importance of preserving Syria’s sovereignty, stability and Arab identity

Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz affirmed the need to adhere to UN Security Council resolutions in a manner that preserves Syria’s sovereignty, stability and Arab identity.

This statement by the King came during a speech he delivered at the inauguration of the third year’s works of the eighth session of the Shura Council in the presence of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. He stressed the importance of preventing the renewal of violence in Syria, maintaining the ceasefire agreements, and delivering humanitarian assistance for the Syrians in need.

King Salman made it clear that the security and stability of Iraq is an essential pillar for the security and stability of the region He  also announced his support for Iraq in fighting terrorist groups and armed militias.

Concerning Lebanon, he added that it is necessary to implement a comprehensive structural political and economic reforms that lead to overcome its crisis.

Regarding the Palestinian Cause, King Salman affirmed that the security and stability of the Middle East demands the rapidity in finding a just and comprehensive solution to the Palestinian Cause in accordance with international legitimacy resolutions and the  Arab peace initiative.

King Salman pointed out during his speech that the Kingdom is working with its international partners to confront the challenges in the world, and to ease the negative effects of armed conflicts and their bad repercussions on food security.

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