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U.S. official warns against normalizing relations with the Assad regime

United States Senator French Hill said: “The time is wrong to normalize relations with the Assad regime and restore it to the international community as the Assad is still exporting poison (drugs).”

Hill added that “Washington will develop a strategy to stop drug smuggling in cooperation with the Arab Gulf and Europe,” pointing out that the partnership of Assad regime with Iran and Russia is not a good thing.

Hill affirmed that the US congressional resolution to combat drug smuggling of the Assad would stop drug smuggling run by the Assad regime.

Hill made it clear that the aim of the resolution is to cut off the millions that the Assad regime earns from drug trafficking, and to reduce its ability to carry out terrorism and war crimes in Syria.

Hill considered that the Assad regime is responsible for horrific war crimes against its people, in addition to being part of the distribution of terrorism outside Syria, and it uses Captagon revenue to continue its war.

The US official expressed his hope that US President Joe Biden would sign and implement the resolution.

Former US envoy to Syria Joel Rayburn said earlier that there is a growing body of evidence that Bashar al-Assad systematically committed atrocities against his own citizens, despite all the denials.

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