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أخر الأخبار

Netanyahu: We will strongly fight any Iranian military entrenchment in Syria

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said: “Israel will act firmly and vigorously to prevent any Iranian military entrenchment in Syria.”

Netanyahu tweeted that “Israel will fight relentlessly Iran’s intention to develop nuclear arsenal, and that it will fight professionally and openly by using various methods and in front of the global public opinion.

Netanyahu had earlier said that Israel would do everything in its power to prevent a return to the nuclear agreement between Iran and world powers.

Netanyahu affirmed that “Israel will take measures to prevent the Iranian military entrenchment in Syria and elsewhere”, saying “we will not wait.”

Israeli strikes on Monday hit Damascus International Airport, putting it out of service, according to SANA news agency.

Damascus International Airport has been out of service for the second time since June 2022, which led to the suspension of all flights for about two weeks after causing severe damage to one of the runways.

Israel is constantly carrying out strikes targeting Iranian and Assad regime’s positions, weapons and ammunition depots in the vicinity of Damascus, and inside civilian and military airports in different areas.

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