U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee member Senator Jim Rich called on the UN Security Council to ignore Russian President Putin’s veto threats and reactivate the system of cross-border humanitarian access to Syria.
Rich stressed that the international community must be committed to reduce the suffering of the Syrian people which was caused by the Assad regime.
Russia has already put forward three conditions in the UN Security Council to approve the renewal of the mandate of resolution 2642, including Russia’s involvement in monitoring aid from Turkey through the Bab al-Hawa crossing, international funding to repair the electricity grid in the Assad regime areas, allocating more projects for early recovery operations, and increasing the amount of aid coming through lines of contact under the supervision of the Assad regime.
The decision to extend the humanitarian aid system to Syria through the Bab al-Hawa border crossing with Turkey expires tomorrow, and the decision needs to be renewed to support nine votes and not veto Russia, China, Britain, France or the United States.