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In English
أخر الأخبار

168 New Covid-19 cases were recorded in Northwest Syria

The Syrian Civil Defence team recorded on Monday 168 new Covid-19 cases in north-west Syria.

The Civil Defence said in a Facebook post that 19 cases were confirmed during the previous week and 21 cases were recorded within the camps.

The Civil Defence pointed out that the rate of Coronavirus infections has increased by 74% compared to the past week.

The Civil Defence renewed its call for civilians to receive Covid-19 vaccination and abide by Covid-19 prevention measures as much as possible, such as (wearing masks, social distancing, and constantly sterilizing hands) and avoid crowded places in order to preserve their safety and curb coronavirus outbreak. The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control has previously warned of diseases outbreak, such as cholera, among the population in the earthquake-hit areas in Syria and Turkey.

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