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In English

Jordan calls for the formation of a joint committee with Syria for returning the refugees to their country

Jordan’s former Deputy Prime Minister, Mamdouh al-Abadi, calls for returning the Syrian refugees to the safe areas in their country, and the formation of a (Jordanian-Syrian) committee to organize their return.

Al-Abadi said that “the population of Jordan is 10 million, of whom 6.5 million are Jordanians, meaning that 35% of the population in Jordan does not hold Jordanian nationality, and most of them are Syrian brothers.”

Al-Abadi made it clear that Jordan received them when Syria was unstable, but now it has calmed down and the refugees should return to their country, especially since 99% of them are in our country and they are from southern Syria, and the region is now 100% safe.

Al-Abadi pointed out that Washington presses for not returning the Syrian refugees for political purposes. Al-Abadi added that “Caeser Act” harms Jordan more than Syria.

Al-Abadi also pointed out that there are countries that paid hundreds of billions of dollars to destroy Syria and did not receive any Syrian refugees, despite the fact that this country received millions of Asian workers.

Al-Abadi clarified that Syria has returned to the Arab League, and a joint Jordanian-Syrian committee must be formed immediately to end the Syrian emigration.

It noteworthy that Jordan hosts about 1.3 million Syrians, half of whom are registered as refugees in the UNHCR’s documents, and 750 thousand of them resided in the country before 2011 due to intermarriage and commercial relations.

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