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UN Security Council held a private meeting followed by closed consultations to discuss the humanitarian situation in Syria

The UN Security Council held a closed consultation session to discuss the humanitarian situation in Syria as Brazil and Switzerland, which are responsible for drafting the humanitarian file there, requested these consultations.

Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs Martin Griffiths participated in the briefing on facilitating humanitarian aid delivery to those in need in Syria.

The Security Council members discussed ways on how to use Bab al-Hawa crossing in order to deliver aid to northern Syria, according to the Security Council’s website.

This private meeting came after the Security Council failed to issue a resolution to extend humanitarian aid delivery mechanism, and after the Assad regime allowed cross-border aid delivery under specific conditions.

The United Nations announced earlier that it would not resume delivering aid into Syria, and that it was still studying the conditions placed by the Assad regime for the use of Bab al-Hawa crossing.

The Assad regime announced that it gave the approval for the United Nations to use the Bab al-Hawa crossing for only six months to deliver humanitarian aid to northern Syria under the condition of “full cooperation and coordination with the Assad regime.”

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