In English

Demonstrations continue in Sweida and protesters call for political change  

Hundreds demonstrated in Sweida city on Saturday morning, calling for Assad regime’s departure and for political change.

Dozens of female and male protesters gathered at Al-Karama Square in Sweida city to confirm the ongoing popular movement that demands a political change, according to Suweida 24 website.  

The protesters held up several banners representing their demands such as “My country’s goods are my right and my children’s right “, “Our revolution is our dignity” that coincided with similar demonstrations erupted across all the Sweida’s cities and towns.  

Thousands took the street in mass demonstrations in Sweida city on Friday 1, 2023, calling for the departure of Assad regime.

Sweida’s towns have been witnessing daily popular demonstrations for nearly two weeks, protesting the worsening living conditions in the governorate in particular, and the areas controlled by the Assad regime in general.

The demonstrators held up banners calling for the implementation of UN Resolution 2254, which stipulates for a cease-fire and a political settlement in Syria. They also called for releasing the detainees and forcibly disappeared persons in Assad regime’s prisons.

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