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Pedersen announces a meeting with the foreign ministers of Iran, Russia, and Turkey to discuss the Syrian file

United Nations Special Envoy for Syria Geir Pedersen announced on Sunday that he will hold a meeting with the foreign ministers of Iran, Russia, and Turkey to discuss the latest development in the Syrian file, hoping to reach a compromise to help the Syrian people.

Pedersen’s statements came after he held a meeting with Assad regime’s foreign minister Faisal Mekdad in Damascus, in which they discussed the Arab Liaison Committee initiative and its role in activating the meetings of the Syrian Constitutional Committee.

Pedersen asked the Assad regime to engage in implementing the “step by step” approach and the Constitutional Committee.

Assad regime’s official news agency SANA confirmed that Pedersen submitted a representation on the results of the visits and meetings he conducted during the last period, and the efforts he is making within the framework of the mandate entrusted to him.

Syria’s Al-Watan newspaper also said that Pedersen held meetings with a number of ambassadors and representatives of Arab diplomatic missions following his arrival in Damascus on Saturday 9, 2023.

The newspaper reported that Pedersen discussed the initiative launched by the Arab Liaison Committee to resume holding meetings of the Syrian Constitutional Committee in the Sultanate of Oman, and its ability to activate the political solution.

She pointed out that Pedersen proposed holding several tours in Muscat, provided that they would be fruitful, and that he will discuss the details today with Faisal Al-Miqdad.

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