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In English

The Lebanese authorities may resort to plant mines to limit the migration of Syrians

The Lebanese human rights lawyer, Muhammad Sablouh, expressed his concern over the intention of the Lebanese authorities to plant mines on the border with Syria, in order to combat the migration of Syrians.

The concerns of activists and human rights lawyers coincide after three Syrians were injured due to mine explosion while they were crossing the border into Lebanon, according to a previous statement of the Lebanese army.

Sablouh considered that resorting the Lebanese authorities to planting mines contradicts with domestic laws and even the international agreements. He made it cleat that the concern regarding the issue of Syrians migration is that the Lebanese authorities urged the humanitarian associations to coordinate with the ministries and security and military services, expressing his concerns that this call aims to silent human rights organizations which support the Syrian refugees.

The head of the Lebanese Center for Human Rights, Wadih Al-Asmar, pointed out that those who cross the border from Syria towards Lebanon are the ones who searching for a better future after losing hope in their country, and the evidence is that three Syrians have recently injured while trying to cross the border into Lebanon.

Al-Asmar considered that the slanders and accusations that Syrians are seeking refuge in Lebanon in order to fight or obtain money are nothing but mere lies. Anyone who crosses the border has either lost hope in his homeland and pins his hopes on a new country or takes it as a station for death boats heading to the European Union.

A young Syrian was killed and 3 others were injured last Wednesday on the Syrian-Lebanese border after two land mines exploded while they were trying to cross the border into Lebanon. The responsible party for planting those mines remains anonymous.

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