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In English
أخر الأخبار

European official: Syria is not safe for the return of refugees from host countries

The EU Arabic Spokesperson for the Middle East and North Africa, Luis Miguel Bueno, said in a press interview: “Syria is still not safe for the return of Syrian refugees from Lebanon and other host countries.”

Bueno called for supporting the Syrian refugees in accordance with the international law and also respecting the human rights.

Bueno emphasized that the EU supports the civilian communities and UN agencies in Lebanon to continue hosting the refugees.

The UK Special Representative for Syria, Ann Snow, said earlier that the humanitarian situation throughout Syria is extremely horrifying and worse than ever.

Snow pointed out that there were “shocking figures” for needs assessment made by the United Nations, showing most Syrians need assistance.

Snow stressed that Britain agrees with the United Nations assessment that Syria is not safe for the safe, voluntary and dignified return of refugees, and the return will not happen unless there is a political process planned by the Syrians and led by the United Nations.

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