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In English
أخر الأخبار

Russian airstrikes target several areas in the countryside of Idleb and Latakia

Russian aircrafts launched on Monday several airstrikes targeting areas in the countryside of Idleb and Latakia.

Radio Fresh’s correspondent said that Kafr Aweid town in Jabal al-Zawiya in southern Idleb was subjected to Russian airstrikes, however no human casualties were reported.

Russian aircrafts also heavily carried out airstrikes on al-Kabina area in northern Latakia, and no further details were provided.

The correspondent added that Assad regime forces shelled with heavy artillery the city of Jisr al-Shughur, and the outskirts of Muhambal and Baydar Shamsu towns in western Idleb. No civilian casualties were reported.

On the other hand, the revolutionary factions targeted with rocket launchers the Assad regime’s military positions in Jurin, northwest Hama.

The “Syrian Response Coordination Group” announced that the regions of northwestern Syria have not witnessed any cessation of targeting operations by the Assad regime forces and Russia, despite the propaganda broadcast by various parties about a truce in the region, which have been circulating for several days until now.

The “Syrian Response Coordination Group” said in a statement: “More than 92 attacks were recorded during the period following the propaganda of a truce in the region. 86 Attacks by Assad regime forces targeting 46 villages and towns in the countryside of Idleb, Aleppo, and Hama were recorded, while 6 attacks by Russian aircrafts targeting 6 villages and towns, with an average of 10 air strikes, were recorded.”

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