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“Asharq Al-Awsat” Newspaper: The Assad regime is concerned over the expansion of Gaza war into southern Syria and Lebanon

Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper quoted sources as saying: “Both the Assad regime and Iran are concerned over a possible expansion of the war in Gaza towards southern Syria and Lebanon.”

The newspaper added that Israel is seeking to undermine the Iranian existence in Syrian and Lebanon through the military escalation in the region, pointing out that Assad regime is feared over acceleration in the balances and equations shifting in the conflict arena.

The sources said: “The matters are still within exchanging messages, but Israeli shelling on military positions in Syria and Iraqi factions retaliating by bombing US positions in Syria make the possibility of expanding the confrontation are present and probably imminent.”

The Deputy Permanent Representative of Assad regime’s delegation to the UN, Al-Hakam Dandi, called on the UN Security Council to put an end to the Israeli attacks on Syria and hold those responsible accountable.

Dandi claimed that the continuation of the Israeli attacks on Syria may push the region into a dangerous escalation whose consequences can’t be predicted neither its catastrophic effects can be avoided.

The Israeli army announced on December, 3, 2023, the shelling of sites in Syria after monitoring launching a missile from them towards Israel. The Israeli army spokesman, Avichay Adraee, said in a post on “X” platform that a rocket propelled grenade had been monitored from Syria towards Israel earlier, but it was not intercepted, according to followed policy, as it was on its way to an open area without causing any losses.

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