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In English

The Action Group for the Palestinians of Syria calls for raising the level of response to Palestinian refugees inside and outside Syria

The Action Group for the Palestinians of Syria called for raising the level of response to the tragic conditions experienced by Palestinian-Syrian refugees inside and outside Syria.

This call came in a press statement issued on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of establishing the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA).

The Action Group said: “The Palestinians are facing a suffocating, social, economic, living, and humanitarian crises, in addition to fatal physical and legal violations as well as putting their lives at risks as they try to seek refuge to other countries.”

The Action Group added: “A practical and urgent steps must be taken to reduce poverty, which has plagued the Palestinian refugees in Syria, and to continue its programs, which has targeted them at various levels, in addition to access them in all regions as well as expanding its work to include them in the countries which do not consider them hosts.”

The Action Group appealed to the international community, especially donor countries, to increase the funding provided to UNRWA to ensure the continuation of its operations, and to stand against any attempts to cancel it or limit its powers, stressing the right of Palestinian refugees to return to Palestine in accordance with international resolutions, expressing its solidarity with the Syrian Palestinian refugees, and emphasizing the continuation of its efforts to defend About their cause, rights and interests.

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