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In English

“EWARN” announces new cholera cases in north-west Syria

The Early Warning, Alert and Response Network (EWARN) announced on December 12, 2023, the rising in cholera cases in north-west Syria.

The EWARN said in its statistics that the total number of cholera cases reached 1178, while the number of cholera associated deaths reached 24, after recording two new cases.

The EWARN pointed out that the number of infections in “Peace Spring” area in the countryside of Raqqa and Hasakah reached 48 cases, and two deaths, indicating that the cholera disease is still spread and poses a threat amid the shortage of health and medical capabilities and lack of equipment and specialized staffs.

The cholera is considered a very contagious disease caused by ingesting bacteria of fecal origin called vibrio cholera, which is known to be found in dirty and stagnant water.

Cholera causes diarrhea and vomiting which leads to rapid dehydration, and in case the patient does not receive the immediate treatment, it may lead to death within hours.

Many regions in Syria are witnessing a serious rise in the rate of cholera cases. North-west Syria’s regions are considered the most vulnerable to disease amid the shortage of health and medical capabilities and lack of equipment and specialized staffs.

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