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Human Rights Watch organization urges to end the bureaucratic barriers to education for refugee children

Human Rights Watch organization called on the participating countries and actors in the “Global Refugee Forum” in Geneva to end the bureaucratic barriers setting by many countries to refugee children’s access to education, including Syrians in Lebanon, Turkey, and Jordan.

The organization said that many host countries oblige the refugee children to provide identification documents that many families cannot obtain them, demanding to issue “clear instructions” to education officials to waive these requirements, regardless of the status of refugee child.

The organization made it clear that Turkish cities, including Istanbul, are closed to new Syrian refugees, and the authorities in those countries do not allow the children to be enrolled whose their families move to from other countries because the government refuses to register their addresses in them.

The organization talked about obstacles to education of Syrian children in Lebanon, including requiring residency permits to register or obtain a certificate, which some school officials continued to request even if the Ministry of Education waived them, and pointed out that the laws prohibit children from enrolling if they have been out of school for three or more years also affects the education of refugee children.

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