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In English
أخر الأخبار

“ACHR” announces an increase in forced deportations of Syrian refugees in Lebanon

The Access Center for Human Rights (ACHR) announced an increase in arbitrary arrests and forced deportations conducted by the Lebanese authorities against the Syrian refugees in Lebanon during this month, expressing its concerns over these increases after the UNHCR shared refugee data with the Lebanese government.

The Lebanese media outlets reported that “the army and the security services conducted raids on “007 camp” in the western Bakaa that led to the arrest of 40 Syrian refugees, including minors and elderly people, and a number of them were deported to their country.”

The Lebanese media outlets made it clear that “The raids included searching refugee tents, and confiscating internet communication devices, mobile phones, motorcycles, and cars.”

The coordinator of the refugees and displaced working group in the Syrian Opposition Coalition, Ahmad Bakora, that “they are in constant communication with the United Nations and international organizations regarding the situations of Syrian refugees in Lebanon and the violations against them.”

Bakora called for immediately halt the arrests and deportations because they are a flagrant violation of human rights, and he called on the United Nations and UNHCR to ensure the safety and security of Syrian refugees through standing against forcibly deporting Syrian refugees.”

It is noteworthy that the cases of arbitrary arrests of Syrian refugees in Lebanon from the beginning of 2023 until September reached 943 cases, while from the beginning of 2023 until December there were 1,027 cases of arbitrary arrest with 84 increased cases.

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