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أخر الأخبار

Turkish immigration: The number of Syrian refugees in Turkey decreased nearly 62000 people within two months

The Turkish authorities reported in a new statistic that “the number of Syrian refugees in Turkey decreased nearly 62000 for two months, bringing their number to 3 million 226 thousand and 141 people.”

The Presidency of the Immigration Department said in a statement: “The total number of Syrians subject to temporary protection across all Turkish states reached 3 million, 226 thousand and 141 people.”

The statement added: “The latest statistics of the Immigration Department were issued on October 22nd, indicating that the number of Syrian refugees in Turkey was 3 million, 288 thousand and 755 Syrians, which means that their number in the country has decreased by 62 thousand Syrians since that.”

The reports point out that “the number of Syrians has decreased by about 309 thousand people, according to the latest statistics of the Turkish Immigration Presidency and the statistics of the beginning of 2023.”

The total number of Syrians resettled in third countries between the years (2016-2023) reached 63,213 Syrians.

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