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أخر الأخبار

Jordan: The return of Syrian refugees to their country still needs time

The head of the Economic and Social Council in Jordan, Musa Shteiwi, said that Jordan is committed to the issue of the voluntary return of Syrian refugees in accordance with international law, but this step needs time, in light of Syrian economy’s weakness and the sanctions imposed on the Assad regime.

Shteiwi pointed out that the Syrian refugee crisis negatively reflected on the Jordanian economy, after depleting the country’s infrastructure, resources, and basic services.

Shteiwi considered that the Syrian refugee crisis exacerbated after a great decline in the international support for Jordan, pointing out that funding the Jordanian response plan for the Syrian crisis reached 30% of the total amount asked by the Jordanian Kingdom for 2023, which is $2.28 billion.

Shteiwi added that Jordan bears the rest of the burdens, and is forced to resort to loans, which doubles its economic crises, according to the Russian Sputnik News Agency.

Regarding the relations between Amman and Moscow, Shteiwi saw that they spared Jordan from areas of conflict, especially from the Syrian side, through direct coordination in political and security terms between the two sides.

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