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In English

The Pentagon: Our forces have been subjected to 127 attacks in Syria and Iraq

The Pentagon Press Secretary Pat Ryder confirmed on Wednesday, January 10, 2024, that the US facilities and bases in Syria and Iraq have been subjected to more attacks since the start of the escalation in the region.

Ryder said in a press conference: “US bases were subjected to 127 attacks in Syria and Iraq.”

Ryder pointed out that since January 4, nine attacks had taken place, and 127 attacks were carried out, 52 in Iraq, and 75 in Syria.

Ryder stated that since the beginning of the escalation of the conflict between Palestine and Israel, US forces in Iraq and Syria have been subjected to attacks on an almost regular basis with missiles and drones, and Washington believes that they are affiliated with groups loyal to Iran.

There are about 2,500 US soldiers in Iraq, and about 900 soldiers in Syria, which Washington put them under the name of “The Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS,” which was found in 2014.

The war on the Gaza Strip has entered its 95th day, as the Israeli shelling of various areas in north and south of the Strip continues in light of the worsening humanitarian and health catastrophe and the exacerbation of tension in the West Bank.

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