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In English

French Ambassador to Syria: The political solution is imperative and the status quo is non-viable in Syria

The French Ambassador to Syria, Brigitte Cormi, said in an article published on the “Al Majalla” website that the political solution in Syria is imperative, calling on the international community not to forget the Syrian issue in the midst of its focus on other crises.

Cormi stressed that the status quo in Syria is viable, and what happened on October 7 and following war in Gaza shows how frozen crises can burst at any time, if the deep roots of the conflict are not addressed.

Cormi stated that “It has become more important than ever to remain alert regarding the Syrian crisis in order to reach a political solution to the conflict.”

Cormi made it clear that the situation on the ground is deeply unstable, and the living conditions of Syrians are getting worse. Syria has recently witnessed its worst military escalation in four years, with rising tensions and violence throughout the country, which indicates that the Syrian war is not over yet.

Cormi considered that the failure to address this situation increases the risk of further deterioration and deeper instability in Syria and the region as a whole.

Cormi emphasized that only the political solution will achieve lasting peace in Syria and allow Syrians to live in safety and dignity.

Cormi confimed that normalization, lifting the sanctions, or reconstruction will not occur without a credible and comprehensive political process.

Cormi pointed out that France will continue its support for the Syrians, whether inside or outside Syria, stressing that international donors must maintain their funding.

Cormi concluded her article by emphasizing that her country does not forget the Syrians, and stands by them in their ongoing quest for peace and dignity.

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