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Erdogan: We might launch a military operation against the Syrian Democratic Forces at the end of upcoming March

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan pointed out on Tuesday, 16 January 2024, that his country might launch a military operation against the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF).

Erdogan’s statement came during a cabinet meeting in Ankara, in which he said: “The Turkish forces might launch a military operation against the Syrian Democratic Forces following the end of local elections at the end of the upcoming March.

Erdogan emphasized that “His country will not let the blood of its martyrs go in vain, so we had struck 114 targets and killed 78 terrorists in our air operations in Syria and Iraq in the last five days.”

Erdogan stated that the Turkish intelligence service had destroyed 60 Syrian Democratic Forces-linked facilities since 12 January 2024.

Erdogan pointed out that “the military presence outside the Turkish borders enjoys a vital importance for the security of our homeland and the safety of our citizens, and we can’t retreat.

Erdogan indicated that the military operations outside the borders also foiled plots aimed at dragging Turkey into internal turmoil through a wave of irregular migration.

Erdogan made it clear that “As long as the imperialists’ plans to establish a terrorist entity in Iraq and Syria is still raised, none of us will feel safe, and as long as they failed to keep their promises, no one has the right to object Turkey’s measures for its security.

Erdogan stressed “the need to continue the operations in the region until we secure every inch of the mountains of northern Iraq, which are the source of terrorist acts, and we will not stop until we destroy all the terror nests that were established with malicious intentions in Syria, from Tal Rifaat to Ain al-Arab, and from Al-Hasakah to Manbij.”

Erdogan’s statements came after an attack by the Syrian Democratic Forces on military points and bases of the Turkish forces in northern Iraq, which resulted in the killing of 9 Turkish soldiers.

It is noteworthy that the Turkish local elections for 2024 scheduled to be held next March 31, as Turkish parties of various political spectrums work to attract voters through a series of promises and plans.

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