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In English

Syrian civil society organizations: Detainees file is the essence of Syrian tragedy and the core of political solution

The Syrian civil society organizations said in a statement: “We could not talk about any solution in Syria before preventing detention and torture in addition to release the detainees and reveal the fate of missing people.”

The organizations added: “The international society must hold accountable all the perpetrators of humanitarian crimes against the Syrian people, and finding a solution to the situation in Syria emanating from accountability because it is the practical entrance to the political solution.”

The organizations considered in the statement that the file of detainees and forcibly disappeared is the essence of the Syrian tragedy and the core of political solution, especially after the number of detained and disappeared reached more than 800000 people.

The statement documented more than 150,000 detainees in Assad regime prisons, 9,000 in ISIS prisons, 5,000 in Syrian opposition prisons, and 3,000 in Syrian Democratic Forces prisons.

The organizations emphasized that resolving the file of detainees will provide the elements of a safe and neutral environment that prepare the ground for establishing the foundations of a comprehensive political solution in the country and will also encourage Syrian refugees to return to the country and contribute to the process of building a new, democratic Syria that respects human rights.

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