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Lavrentiev: The talks on the withdrawal of Turkish forces from Syria have not made any progress

The Special Representative of the Russian President to Syria, Alexender Lavrentiev affirmed that the deliberations regarding the withdrawal of Turkish forces from Syria have not made any progress.

Lavrentiev’s statement came during an interview with “News Maker” program on “RT” channel in which he said: “The communications between Turkey, Russia, Iran, and Assad regime regarding the withdrawal of Turkish forces from Syria are still continuing.”

Lavrentiev pointed out that the presence of Turkish forces in Syria hampers the normalization between Ankara and Assad regime.

According to Lavrentiev, “Quadripartite contacts are currently taking place between representatives of the intelligence services of Russia, Turkey, Iran, and Assad regime, and it is early to talk about such discussions between the defence ministers.”

Lavrentiev excluded holding negotiations in the future between the defence ministers in the light of escalation in the Middle East.

Turkish Defense Minister Yaşar Guler has previously confirmed that Turkey would not withdraw its forces from Syria. A safe environment must first be prepared.

Guler continued, saying: “When there are about 4 million Syrians in our country, and an additional 5 million Syrians in Idleb are in danger of turning into refugees in Turkey at any moment, then how do you think we can leave there without a secure environment?”

The Turkish Parliament approved the presidential memorandum regarding extending the authorization to send forces to northern Syria and Iraq for an additional two years, until October 30, 2025.

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