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أخر الأخبار

Israeli airstrikes target sites of Assad regime and Iranian militias in Homs

Five people were killed, including two civilians, in Iraeli airstrikes on Homs city in central Syria, on Tuesday-Wednesday night, according to the “Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.”

The director of the Syrian Observatory, Rami Abdulrahaman, said to AFP: “Five people were killed, including two civilians, in Iraeli airstrikes on Homs city.”

Assad regime confirmed that the Israeli airstrikes on Homs city, have killed and wounded civilians.

For its part, Assad regime’s defence ministry said in a statement that the Israeli enemy launched airstrikes from the direction of north Tripoli (north Lebanon) targeting several points in Homs city and its countryside.

Syrian air defenses intercepted and downed some of the missiles. The aggression resulted in killing and injuring a number of civilians.

Local posts circulated footage showing a destruction in “Al-Malab and Al-Hamra” Streets in Homs city due to the missiles that fell on it.

Israel frequently carries out airstrikes on sites of Assad regime and Iranian militias, which most often result in human casualties and massive material losses in the targeted areas.

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