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UNICEF: More than 7.5 million children in Syria are in need of assistance

The United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) affirmed that millions of children in Syria are in need of assistance due to the ongoing war.

UNICEF issued a report on the first anniversary of the earthquake in Syria, announcing that “7.5 million children in Syria are in need of humanitarian assistance.”

According to the report, the year 2024 requires $401.7 million to provide a basic lifeline for about 8.5 million people, including 5.4 million children.

UNICEF made it clear that the greatest funding requirements are for water, sanitation, health and education, in addition to securing protection.

UNICEF Executive Director Catherine Russell said: “The earthquake put the children at risk of frequent disease outbreaks which exacerbated due to water crisis in the region.”

Russell considered that food insecurity in the region has significantly increased malnutrition and deaths among children.

According to Russell, “about 90% of families in Syria live in poverty, while 50% of them are food insecure.”

A devastating earthquake struck areas in Syria and Turkey on 6 February 2023, killing 5,957 people in Syria and injuring about 12,000, according to “North Press”.

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