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Financial Times: Iran withdrew senior commanders of IRGC days before the US attack

The US “Financial Times” newspaper said in its report that Iran pulled senior commanders of the Revolutionary Guard militia out of Syria five days before Washington carried out its attack on the militias’ sites in Syria and Iraq.

The report added that Tehran decided to withdraw the commanders of militias in order to prevent the Iranian elite forces suffering further losses, especially the Israeli attacks on Syria have not stopped.

The newspaper quoted an Iranian source as saying: “The decision to withdraw senior commanders came after US administration held Iran responsible for the drone attack on “Tower 22″ base in Jordan, killing three US soldiers.”

The source stated: “Iran does not want to drag into direct conflict with the United States, therefore, the commanders of IRGC left Syria five days before Washington launched the airstrikes.”

The Iranian source considered that military commanders’ decision to withdraw from Syria is an indicator to a significant change in tactics as 9 revolutionary guard officers have been killed in Israeli airstrikes since last October.

United States announced the continuation of its military operations against the Iranian militias which target its bases in Syria and Iraq since 7th October.

US President Joe Biden said in a press conference attended by the Jordanian monarch Abdullah II at the White House on Monday, 12 February 2024, that “Washington’s response will continue.”

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