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In English

WFP announces aid plan worth US$1 billion for the most affected families in Syria

The World Food Programme (WFP) announced a new aid project worth USD 1 billion in Syria.

The project aims to meet the needs of the most affected families in Syria, pointing out that 80% of Syrian are in need of any forms of humanitarian assistance in 2024.

The announcement of the project came after the WFP Executive Board approved the extension of the Interim Country Strategic Plan in Syria until the end of 2025.

WFP said in its report that over 12 million people in Syria are food insecure of which 3.1 are severely food insecure.

The head of the EU delegation to Syria, Dan Stoenescu, said earlier that the priorities of the EU in 2024 are to meet the humanitarian needs for Syrians and enhancing human rights and freedom of expression through strengthening the Syrian civil society organizations.

It is noteworthy that the European Union are mobilizing its political tools with providing the humanitarian and non-humanitarian assistances to support the Syrians and continue to shed light on Syria, especially with escalating the conflicts and crises across the world.  

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