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In English

Lavrov: There is a coordination to rebuild Syria.. and Geneva is responsible for suspending Constitutional Committee’s works

Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov claimed that Switzerland is responsible for suspending the Syrian Constitutional Committee’s work due to Geneva’s policy towards Moscow.

Lavrov said during his participation at the 13th Middle East conference of the Valdai international Club: “Moscow can no longer consider Switzerland as a neutral platform.”

Lavrov added: “Switzerland’s anti-Russian policy due to the Ukrainian war and its coming out of its neutral position are the reason for halting the Syrian Constitutional Committee’s work in Geneva.

Lavrov stated: “There is a coordination with the Arab states regarding the file of rebuilding Syria and we encourage this, especially after Syria’s return to the Arab league.”

Regarding the file of relations between Assad regime and Turkey, Lavrov emphasized that he mentioned the formula that can help to normalize relations between Ankara and Assad regime.

It is noteworthy that Russia has hindered since 22 July 2022 holding the 9th round of Constitutional Committee meetings in Geneva as the co-chair of the Committee representing Assad regime, Ahmad Al-Kuzbari, informed the UN envoy to Syria, Geir Pedersen, that Assad regime’s delegation will be ready to participate in the 9th round only when what it described as the requests from Russian Federation are met, without mentioning them.

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