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أخر الأخبار

Iran launches recruitment campaigns in Damascus countryside for $30 a month

Iranian militias in Damascus countryside launched recruitment campaigns for hundreds of young men in the city, especially in al-Sayeda Zeinab area for $30 a month which cost as much as 500,000 Syrian pounds.

Iranian militias have been working for months to recruit hundreds of young men from the people of Damascus and its countryside. The recruitment primarily targets the people of Babila, Yalda, Beit Sahm, and Najha towns and then the Iranian militias attach them to special camps before sorting them to work alongside them, according to the local “Sawt Al-Asimah” website.

The website stated that the militia proxies made offers to attract young men, including exemption from military service with the Assad regime forces for wanted and draft evaders.

In return, the young men are required to work with the militias for five years, after that they can submit resignation applications, with a monthly salary up to 500,000 Syrian pounds (almost 30 dollars).

The website made it clear that the militia proxies select young men with strong physical structure and combat experience, to subject them to special military drills in camps controlled by the IRGC and its militias.

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