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In English

The Pentagon denies carrying out any new airstrikes on targets in Syria

U.S. Department of State announced in a statement that “it did not carry out any new airstrikes on targets in Syria.”

Pentagon spokesperson Sabrina Singh said in a regular press conference: “We did not carry out airstrikes in Syria last night.”

Assad regime’s defence ministry announced “the killing of 7 soldiers and 1 civilian in addition to injuring 19 soldiers and 13 civilians, and causing huge losses in public and private properties due to air attack launched by US forces on many cities and villages and military sites in Deir Ezzor province.”

The previous commander of the U.S. central command, Joseph Votel, confirmed in an interview with “Asharq al-Awsat” newspaper that the United Nations recognized many of Iran-allied militia attacks but these attacks slumped after a series of US attacks.

Votel made it clear that “The best approach to create a more stable situation in the Middle East is diplomatic relations, and opening relations and communications between the various parts of the region.”

Votel pointed out that “Washington had succeeded to deter attacks by pro-Iranian militias on US bases in Syria and Iraq, and warned that the withdrawal of US forces from Iraq will have an impact on the presence in Syria.”

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