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In English

US imposes new visa restrictions against Assad regime officials

U.S. Department of State announced new visa restrictions against current and former Assad regime officials and other individuals.

The ministry said in a statement on Friday, 29 March 2024, that “the sanctions included those responsible for or complicit in the repression of Syrians, especially through acts of violence and serious violations against Syrians.”

The statement added that the ministry has taken steps to impose visa restrictions against 10 (government) officials and members of their immediate families, as these officials are involved in serious human rights abuses.

The restrictions included 11 Assad regime officials and their immediate family members the minister announced were subject to visa restrictions at the end of last year, without revealing the identity and names of those included in the restriction decision.

The statement pointed out that in December 2023, Secretary of State Anthony Blinken announced a new visa restriction policy under Section 212 (a)(3)(C) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, which includes current and former Syrian government officials and other individuals believed to be responsible for repression of Syrians.

The statement stressed the United States’ commitment to promoting accountability for those involved in the repression of Syrians and achieving justice for victims and survivors.

Blinken stressed that the United States will not normalize relations with the Assad regime until there is authentic progress towards a permanent political solution in line with UNSCR 2254.

At the conclusion of the statement, the Ministry renewed its firm support for the Syrian people, including their ongoing peaceful demands for freedom and dignity, in addition to continuing to seek and pursue visa restrictions against Assad regime officials and other individuals who engage in the oppression of Syrians.

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