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Syrian organizations call for the Brussels conference to support urgent humanitarian issues in northern Syria

Syrian humanitarian organizations called on the organizers of the 8th Brussels Conference not to marginalize the urgent humanitarian issues in northeastern Syria, and to support recovery to mitigate the migration wave and promote stability.

The previous statement signed by 130 Syrian organizations.

The statement urged international actors at the conference to “adopt a more comprehensive humanitarian approach in Syria, and put the urgent humanitarian issues and needs in northeastern Syria at the heart of the discussions, pointing to recommendations that were formulated based on in-depth consultations between local and international organizations working in northeastern Syria.”

The recommendations included “supporting the humanitarian response, supporting mechanisms to promote stability, strengthening the capabilities of Syrian local organizations, and justice in supporting displaced camps and seeking to find solutions for them, supporting the initiatives of victims and survivors and advocating for their issues, promoting a comprehensive peace process for all Syrians, dealing accurately with sanctions and ensuring periodic review, according to the statement.

The statement made it clear that “This year the Brussels conference comes while the conditions in the regions of northeastern Syria are experiencing unprecedented dire humanitarian conditions, pointing to the humanitarian crises, the deterioration of public services in various sectors, and the water crisis in the region.”

The statement stated: “The conference constitutes an annual opportunity to recall the ethical duty towards the humanitarian plight that has persisted for more than 13 years of conflict in Syria, the shape of international engagement in it, and to ensure that humanitarian aid is not politicized or diverted in directions that would exacerbate the already fragile humanitarian conditions.”

The statement pointed out: “Despite the generosity offered by some donor countries since the first donor conference for Syria was held, previous versions of the conference witnessed an unfortunate and surprising marginalization of the northeast of the country,” pointing out that “last year, 107 Syrian organizations sent a message to the European Union expressing its disappointment at the neglect of basic local humanitarian issues and the marginalization of the regions of northeastern Syria.”

The European Union spokesman, Luis Miguel Bueno, previously announced on March 9 that the 8th Brussels conference on the future of Syria and the region will be held next May, to mobilize support for the Syrians in their country and the countries affected by the repercussions of the Syrian crisis.

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