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The Syria Civil Defence calls for holding Assad regime accountable for its chemical crimes

The Syria Civil Defence calls for holding Assad regime accountable for its chemical crimes through establishing an exceptional court, ensuring that it does not go unpunished, and achieving justice for the victims.

The Syria Civil Defense said the previous statement on the 6th anniversary of Assad regime’s chemical attack on Douma city in Damascus’s Ghouta which led to the killing of 43 civilians and suffocating dozens of people.

The statement made it clear that “after the passing of six years since the massacre committed by Assad regime in Douma city on April 7, 2018, we could not forget the gasps of suffocated victims by toxic gas and we could not erase from our memory the scenes of dying without blood.”

The statement considered that the failure to hold Assad regime accountable for using chemical weapons is a violation to international laws, and it also gives Assad regime the green light to continue launching deadly attacks by chemical weapons and other weapons.

The statement warned that the failure to take serious measures to accountability and achieve justice for the victims is an alarming trend that threatens humanity.

The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) had proven, through the report of the Investigation and Identification Team (IIT), that the Assad regime was directly responsible for carrying out the chemical attack using toxic chlorine gas on Douma city, on April 7, 2018.

OPCW confirmed that the Assad regime has used chemical weapons at least 50 times since 2013.

The Syrian Network for Human Rights (SNHR) has previously documented 222 chemical attacks on Syria since the first documented use of chemical weapons in the SNHR’s database on December 23, 2012 until August 20, 2023, approximately 98% of which were at the hands of Assad regime forces, and approximately 2% at the hands of ISIS.

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