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US House of Representatives approves the “Captagon II” bill to hold Assad regime accountable

The US House of Representatives (The Congress) approved on Tuesday, 16 April 2024, the “Captagon II” bill which grants the United States extended powers to hold Assad regime accountable for drag trade.

The US House of Representatives approved by a majority with 410 voted in favor and 13 voted against. The bill grants Washington more authorities, including holding Assad regime accountable and its affiliated networks and all those who activate or engaged in drug trade or manufacturing and smuggling it.

The bill passed by the congress after the efforts of the Syrian-American community (The American Coalition for Syria and the Syrian American Council) which was established several years ago and pledged to approve “Captagon I” bill at the end of 2022.

The US Representative French Hill tweeted on “X” platform: “Assad’s murderous regime is propped up by his Captagon drug that generates billions in illegal funding.”

Hill confirmed the importance of imposing specific sanctions that directly target the individuals and associated networks with Captagon trade, so for that reason it is important for the US House of Representative to approve the “Captagon II” bill.

It was previously announced that the bill in July 2023, sponsored by both the Republican and Democratic parties, and that the Foreign Relations Committee unanimously approved it in November 2023 with (44 votes in favor – 0 votes against).

According to the bill, “The United States policy prohibits any formal action to recognize or normalize relations with any government of Syria that led by Bashar al-Assad,” due to Assad regime’s past and ongoing crimes against the Syrian people.

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