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Gallant: We continue to prevent Iran’s entrenchment in Syria

Israel’s Defence Minister, Yoav Gallant, announced on Sunday, 22 April 2024, during his presence near the Syrian border that they increased the readiness of troops for offensive missions to prevent the ongoing Iranian positioning in the region.

The Hebrew newspaper “Maariv” stated that Gallant received during a visit to the “Division 210” in Golan an intelligence assessment about Iran and militia Hezbollah’s attempts to consolidate their presence throughout Syria, and affirmed the need for Israeli army to carry out counter-action to thwart the movement of terrorist members in the field.

Gallant said that he perceived a very good preparedness of the Israeli army forces while he was conducting patrols in Golan Heights.

Gallant pointed out that he was briefed on the Israeli army installations to prevent the Lebanese Hezbollah militias and Iranian forces which try to reach the border of Golan Heights sector.

Gallant added: “We maintain full freedom of action to strike any target and any enemy that tries to pose a threat to Israel”.

Gallant pointed out that the Israeli army is conducting at the same time very large preparatory efforts to be ready against any threat that may arise from the north, in reference to the border with Lebanon, and stressed that it is close to the decisiveness.”

Gallant continued: “We are determined to return our residents to the north, and for this purpose we are collecting and studying intelligence information, deploying forces, and conducting trainings so that we can carry out this mission precisely, swiftly and effectively.”

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