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أخر الأخبار

Al-Safadi: Jordan is incapable of filling the assistance gap due to reducing international support for Syrian refugees

Jordan’s foreign minister, Ayman al-Safadi, said: “The huge decline in international support for Syrian refugees make the Jordan incapable of filling the gap of services and assistance.”

Al-Safadi’s statement came during receiving the Secretary General of the Danish Refugee Council (DRC) Charlotte Slente.

Al-Safadi added: “The huge decline in international support provided to the Syrian refugees, and the reduction in services and assistance provided by the UN organizations to them in Jordan affect the refugees and living conditions.”

Al-Safadi pointed out: “The international community bears the responsibility, whose efforts towards the Syrian crisis and refugee issue have diminished.”

Al-Safadi indicated: “The solution to the refugee issue is by returning them to their country, which requires more efforts to solve the Syrian crisis and find the conditions that permit the voluntary return of refugees.”

Al-Safadi emphasized: “Jordan will continue to exert all possible effort and work with brothers and partners to reach a solution to the Syrian crisis that ends the suffering of the Syrian people, preserves Syria’s unity, sovereignty and stability, eradicates it from terrorism, and provides the conditions for the voluntary return of refugees.”

It is noteworthy that there are about 1.3 million Syrians in Jordan, about half of whom are registered as “refugees” in the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees’ archives, while 750,000 of them live in the country before the outbreak of the Syrian revolution in 2011, due to marriage and commercial relations between the two countries.

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